Saturday 18 April 2020

7 Engaging Ways To Make The Most Of The Great Indoors

Many of us are spending the majority of our time at home these days thanks to COVID-19. Although our dogs are super happy to have us around more, boredom is starting to set in for everyone. There are plenty of ways you can keep your dog (and yourself!) engaged during the stay-at-home order. From fun games to online training, today we share 7 activities to keep your dog occupied indoors.

#1 – DIY or Ready-Made Food Puzzles

Dogs are always down for something to eat. Satisfy his cravings for a busy mind and a tasty treat with a variety of food puzzles. This Brain Ball requires your dog to use his brain and body to push around a ball until the hidden treat is revealed. Your dog may also love to sniff out and find treats hidden in a Puzzle Mat or a Sniff Diggy. Dogs enjoy foraging for food with these mentally stimulating toys. You can also create food puzzles yourself. Take 3 plastic cups and let your dog see you hide a treat under or inside one of the cups. Jumble them up and watch her work to find the hidden treat.

#2 – Use the Treadmill

Now is a great time to give your dog extra physical exercise. This will help your dog get some energy out and be better able to relax when there is nothing else going on. Lots of dog parents walk or run their dogs on a treadmill. Introduce your dog to the apparatus slowly starting out by just simply getting her to step onto it. Use treats to invite her to step up. After she is comfortable doing that, turn the treadmill on the lowest setting and walk alongside her just like you do outdoors. Eventually, she may be able to do it without you but always supervise her when she is using it.


#3 – Teach Your Dog to Pick Up Their Own Toys

Despite the old saying, any dog of any age can most definitely learn new tricks! One of the most helpful skills you can teach your dog is to pick up their own toys. It will take some work, consistency, and plenty of treats but hey, you’ve got the time! And just think how nice it will be to have one less mess to clean up. YouTube has lots of helpful videos to learn how to train your dog to do this.

#4 – Take an Online Dog Training Course

Humans use online courses and classes to learn about and participate in a wide variety of skills. From cooking to advanced degrees, yoga to spin classes, the web offers a nearly endless supply of choices. If you are your dog are looking to expand upon an already established skillset or need to work on some basics, there are online dog training courses that can help.

#5 – Get Creative with Fetch

If you have a rule against running in the house, you may want to temporarily lift that. If your dog loves to fetch, you can get creative with how you play it indoors. Of course, you can simply throw the ball from the couch while you binge The Tiger King. If you want to it to take your dog a bit longer between throws, try throwing the ball up or down the stairs or down hallways. If the weather is mild, open the door, toss the ball outside, and let her bring it back to you inside.

#6 – Set Up an Obstacle Course

This activity is super fun for the whole family! Use household items like pillows, couch cushions, laundry baskets, and boxes to create obstacles for your dog to climb over, under, and through. Kids will love getting involved in building it, guiding your dog through it with treats, and even running the course themselves! Treats will be very handy in helping your dog go through the course.

#7 – Play Treat Hide and Seek

The premise is simple. You hide treats. Your dog seeks them out with his sniffer. Start in a small area and let your dog see where you hide the treats. Give him a word or phrase such as “Where are the treats?” and help him find the hidden treats, giving him loads of praise. Over time, you can hide treats without him looking and let him go hunting for them on your verbal cue. You may even be able to expand the game to several rooms at once.

Being stuck inside for weeks on end is difficult for all of us. Your dogs are feeling the burden, too. Amp up the structure and fun with some of these tips and make the most out of this time home together.


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