Wednesday 22 April 2020

Quarantine Grooming Gone Wrong: Don’t Try This at Home

Tons of people are learning the hard way just how difficult it is to safely groom their dog at home. Whether out of boredom, a feeling that their dog was looking a little rough around the edges, or an attempt to learn a new skill during this crazy quarantine time, some dog parents are trimming their own dogs at home. And the results of these experiments are total fails.

Trimming is Not a DIY Activity

Dog groomers spend hours and hours in classes learning what tools to use and how to use them safely. They have to trim 100 or more dogs under supervision before they are allowed to trim a dog on their own professionally. There is much more involved than most people understand. Not only can your dog’s cut turn out very badly and look ridiculous, but you can also really hurt your dog. Electric trimmers can cut your dog’s skin, especially around the ears, neck, underbelly, and other sensitive areas. This is a skilled technique that really should be left to the professionals.

This Little Guy Got a Bad Chop Job

We don’t know if Gidge went after her dog with scissors or an electric trimmer, but one thing is for sure: he looked better before she did this. At least the little guy wasn’t hurt!

At Home Trimming Gone Awry

This dog is a Labrador. We think. Hard to tell with his body fur all different lengths. He also doesn’t look pleased about the situation. This dog definitely would have been better off left alone until he could go to a professional groomer.

Pomeranian Gets the Worst Trim Job on Record

This little guy, Mashi, appears to have a really great life. He and his mom live in Australia, soaking up the sun and playing at the seaside. Mashi is all smiles and high spirits in most of the pair’s photos online. But that all came to a screeching halt when his Dog Mom decided to perform an at-home trimming.

Quickly into the grooming session, Mashi’s mom realized that the clipper’s blade was way too wide and was taking off way more hair than she intended.

She wrote on an Instagram post, “Take it from Mash and wait until the professionals are back 🀣🀣✂️”.

The results are impressively terrible, and Mashi is lucky he wasn’t cut or worse.

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Just move home Mum, Sydney is where it's at.

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For the time being, let’s just simply bathe, brush, and comb our dogs at home. Your dog’s coat will be okay getting a little long until you can see your professional groomer again.

Featured Image Mashi/Instagram

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