Monday 20 July 2020

Dog Hilariously Shames His Dad For Not Sharing His Snack

A video has been making its rounds on the internet lately. It has gained popularity in part because of its adorable star, but more so because of its relatability. If you’ve ever longed for a snack that was just out of reach – and no, I don’t mean Matthew McConaughey – then you can relate.

The hilariously sad video features a Golden Retriever named Winston. Sweet Winston has a grey muzzle that suggests he’s no young pup. What I’m getting at is that he’s been around long enough to know his tricks and have perfected them.

Will Trade Puppy Dog Eyes For A Snack

If you watch the video you’ll see that Winston has nailed down the puppy dog eyes, especially when there’s a snack involved. Unfortunately for Winston, no amount of puppy dog eyes and silent screams of hope seemed to be getting him any closer to his forbidden morsel. We’ve all been there.

It’s not even clear what Winston was after. Was it a biscuit? A cookie? Perhaps a lightly buttered croissant? Nobody knows, but Winston tried his hardest to get just a little taste. The only thing he got to swallow was his pride as he watched his human take the last, delicious bite.

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Winston Is Full Of Hilarious Entertainment

Winston’s parents have been so kind as to share his antics with the world on his Instagram page. If you peek around, you’ll see that there is certainly no shortage of yummy snacks that he can actually get his paws on.

One video shows Winston participating in the “patience challenge” that has been going around online. His mom set a delicious plate of food in front of him and told him to wait until she came back before he took a bite. Spoiler alert: He didn’t wait.

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Watch and see if I waited for mom ðŸĪŠ

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Little did Winston know that he was being recorded. He dove into that plate of chicken without an ounce of remorse. Maybe it was because he doesn’t speak fluent human to understand the directions, or maybe it was because no sane dog will ever turn down an unaccompanied plate of meat. All we know is that we love Winston as much as he loves snackies!

Heck, he’ll even eat a flip flop if given the opportunity!

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Am just gonna borrow dis

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Manipulating your humans’ emotions is exhausting work, right Winston?

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Just hangin out

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If you want to follow Winston and his antics (trust me, you do) you can follow him on Instagram @winthegolden.

h/t: @winthegolden/Instagram

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