Monday 27 July 2020

New York Senate Passes Bill To Help End Puppy Mills

Shih Tzu in Puppy Mill

New York is currently one of the states that sells the most puppies at pet stores. These puppies might look cute and healthy to those who have never heard of puppy mills, but there’s a dark reality behind them. These puppies are usually purchased from commercial breeding sites that breed dogs as much as possible in inhumane conditions. Then, these pet stores try to sell the puppies as if they’re from reputable breeders. While many dog parents are very aware of these issues, some new puppy parents are uneducated about where the puppies come from. Luckily, New York is trying to make a change.

Sad Puppy Mill Dog
Image: @aspca/Facebook

New York Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill

The New York Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill will no longer allow animals bred in puppy mills to be sold at pet stores. This means that dogs, cats, and rabbits from commercial breeders will no longer be sold at businesses. Instead, pet stores will only be allowed to have rescue animals up for adoption.

“Pet stores that sell puppies may look good from the window, but rely on a recklessly inhumane system to make money, importing potentially sick animals from out-of state puppy mills and deceptively passing them off to consumers as healthy pets from responsible breeders,” said Matt Bershadker, the ASPCA President and CEO.

Puppy from Puppy Mill
Image: @aspca/Facebook

This bill passed the New York State Senate by 48-12. It was passed on July 21st, which is “National No Pet Store Puppies Day”. This is a day to help raise awareness and educate others on the horrors of puppy mills. Now, thanks to New York, putting an end to puppy mills once and for all is even closer.

What are the Next Steps?

This essential bill seems to be heading in the right direction, but it hasn’t been passed just yet. It still needs to be approved by the Assembly.

“We thank Senator Gianaris for spearheading the passage of the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill in the Senate, and we look forward to working with Assemblymember Rosenthal to move it forward in the Assembly,” Bershadker added.

Shih Tzu in Puppy Mill
Image: @aspca/Facebook

If you live in New York, you can help get this bill approved. You can call or email your state assemblymember to urge them to support this bill. If you don’t live in New York though, you should still spread the word. Not everyone knows what puppy mills are, so it’s important to inform as many people as possible. The more people that help put an end to puppy mills, the more dogs that can be saved.

Featured Image: @aspca/Facebook

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